When it comes to weight loss surgeries, there are various options accessible to people depending on their BMI and medical conditions. It's vital to talk to a doctor about the pros and downsides of each procedure before deciding. Being overweight is a problem for one-third of American adults, and obesity...

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By Marixie Ann Obsioma

Childhood obesity rates have tripled in the last couple of decades. They went up by 5% from the late 70s to 2016 (1). Because this is such an alarming trend, it is very important for parents to know how to address the situation and help their children with weight loss...

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By Marixie Ann Obsioma

According to the CDC, just one in 10 adults meet the federal fruit and vegetable recommendations (1). The healthy eating pattern should include two to three cups of vegetables a day.  Regular intake of vegetables can prevent or aid management of heart disease, promote weight loss or maintain your weight in...

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By Ahmed Zayed Helmy, MD

Being overweight can have a significant impact on a person’s overall quality of life. A few pounds in the body makes certain activities harder to perform. People generally find that they lack self-confidence and there are several problems that can develop with the body’s wellbeing. Reports show that almost two...

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By Ahmed Zayed Helmy, MD

It’s a dilemma that’s been haunting fitness enthusiasts for a long time. What is the best time to work out? Is it in the morning, when the birds are chirping, and everyone's saying their morning prayers? Or is it in the evening, when you're wide awake and done with the...

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By Marixie Ann Obsioma
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