When it comes to getting that summer body, we tend to try just about anything with the hopes of looking in the mirror and seeing what we want to see with the smallest effort possible. That, however, often tends to threaten our mental and physical health, as choosing some unhealthy...

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By Ahmed Zayed Helmy, MD

For what seems to be the longest time ever, people have been trying to decide whether eggs or oatmeal is the best breakfast option for them. From the variety of healthy breakfast options, it seems that it is always these two that stick up. Luckily for us, researchers from all...

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By Ahmed Zayed Helmy, MD

Cutting out sugar is a popular weight-loss method, but also a method that promises better health and a better life. The truth is that sugar harms our health in many ways, and contributing to weight gain, and with that preventing you from losing those last couple of pounds, is why...

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By Ahmed Zayed Helmy, MD

Nowadays, a lot of people have been drinking lemon water for weight loss. They use this for detoxification as well as a natural aid in the digestive system and fat burning. Several experts claim that lemon water helps in increasing metabolism, cleansing the liver, and improving the entire well-being (1)....

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By Ahmed Zayed Helmy, MD

Snacking is an inevitable part of our lives. All of us need a little something before lunch or dinner to keep us going or simply to satisfy our sweet tooth. But what we choose to snack on plays a great role in our diet and lifestyle. It does not matter...

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By Ahmed Zayed Helmy, MD
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