Binge eating is a huge psychological problem. In fact, around 2.8 million people in the U.S. have a binge eating disorder. From those who get it, an estimated 3.5% are women, 2% men, and 1.6% are adolescents. It tends to develop in the early 20s or late teens (1). The...

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By Ahmed Zayed Helmy, MD

When you are trying to lose weight, one of the worst things that you can do to your body is to starve yourself. Skipping a meal or two may get you faster results, but they will not stick for a while. Soon enough, you will be gaining all of the...

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By Ahmed Zayed Helmy, MD

Weight loss will always be a popular topic. As such, we constantly keep hearing about different diet plans and whatnot. But some diet plans, such as the Okinawa diet, offer additional benefits that extend far beyond weight loss. Today, we are here to discuss the many benefits that the popular...

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By Ahmed Zayed Helmy, MD

Getting rid of that stubborn belly fat is no easy feat. No matter what you try, it just keeps piling up some more. Well, you are not alone. Less than 70% of women and 50% of men in the U.S. between 50 and 79 years of age exceed the standard...

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By Ahmed Zayed Helmy, MD

We see more and more people that are living by the guidelines of a low-sodium diet. While some are doing that for obvious health-related reasons, others see it as a chance to improve their overall health. But is sodium the enemy to our health? Are there any unwanted effects that...

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By Ahmed Zayed Helmy, MD
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